Prime Meridian
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  Subject Replies Date
What is the country located on the prime meridian? 0 11/17/2013
What is the southernmost country located on the Prime Meridian? 0 11/16/2013
What is the greatest number of degrees that a traveler can ever be from the prime meridian? 0 11/4/2013
10 degrees west is further than 60 degrees latitude line at prime meridian walking equlvalent of 10 degrees west 0 9/12/2013
How many cities are east and west of the prime meridian? 0 9/3/2013
What are theParallel and maredians of Indian cities? 0 6/19/2013
What is the distance from the prime meridian to 90 degrees east (in degrees) 0 1/29/2013
What are the ending points of the prime meridian 0 1/8/2013
What landmark was once advocated as the location for the prime meridian in 1884? 0 10/1/2012
what countries does the prime meridian pass through? 0 9/13/2012