Plate tectonics
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Esteemed Geologists, I am very interested with the Island of Cyprus, which is subject to subduction forces. The Eratosthenes Tablemount (of Cypr... 0 2/18/2017
Why is oceanic lithosphere denser than the continental lithosphere? 0 12/14/2015
How are convection currents important in plate tectonics? 0 11/30/2015
Breifly describe three plate boundaries that could be added to the model. how could convection currents be shown in the model? what features of the su... 0 9/22/2015
Explain with references to an example you have studied how plate tectonics helps us to understand the forces at work along crusta plate boundarys 0 9/11/2015
Could someone help me out with information about plate movement during, before and after the Triassic period? 0 4/21/2015
How is a mantle or trench created. 1 10/13/2014
What is a plate? bescribe the distribution of earthquake belts. what are the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes on the environment? why do volcan... 0 10/2/2014
Are the oceanic plates made up entirely of crust? 0 9/30/2014
Continental drift is caused by sea bed expanding and the reason for this seabed expanding is volcanic eruptions which happens in the Atlantic ocean. ... 1 12/19/2013
I was reading about mid atlantic range. This range is caused by volcanic eruptions and its responsible for continental drift by sea floor expanding. ... 1 12/19/2013
What boundary created Mount McKinley, The African rift valley, The Andes Mountains, Magnetic Stripping, and New Zealand? 0 12/15/2013
Continental rock is granitic and ocean basin rock is basaltic. What does this suggest about the density of continental rock in relation to ocean basin... 1 11/15/2013
How do plate tectonics directly affect the country of ireland 0 11/2/2013
Why are plates of the oceanic lithosphere denser than those of the continental lithosphere? 1 7/26/2013
Could someone give me an illustrative explanation on how transform boundaries leads to the generation of earthquake? You can write directly to stanli... 1 7/25/2013
I have lived in the N. Georgia mountains for 16 yrs. I believe I see a change in the shape of the mountaintop ridge that faces me. If so, could th... 1 4/23/2013
What are the geographical effects that tectonic plates cause when they move? 2 4/11/2013
If plate motion compresses part of the crust, what landforms will form there in millions of years? 1 10/1/2012
If plate motion compresses part of the crust, what landforms will form there in millions of years? 0 10/1/2012
Are all tectonic plates forming single whole continents? 2 4/9/2012
What are the various ways in which they meet? 2 2/6/2012
How many known tectonic plates exist? 3 2/5/2012
What are the iconic geographical landmarks in the world today that mark tectonic plate boundaries? 2 2/5/2011