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  Subject Replies Date
McCarthyist institutions 1 9/25/2016
How did the FBI contribute to McCarthyism? 2 9/24/2016
Communist influence in the early 20th century 1 7/19/2015
Origins of McCarthyism 2 7/19/2015
How did they punish people who were accused of beingcommunists? 1 10/14/2014
How are the McCarthy trials related to the Salem witch trials and what the heck are they? 1 10/6/2014
Where did McCarthyism take place. 1 4/1/2013
What factors contributed to the end of McCarthyism and the red scare? 0 9/14/2012
What factors contributed to the red scare? 1 9/14/2012
What legal basis existed for McCarthyism? 2 1/1/2011