Liver transplantation
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  Subject Replies Date
A+ Liver donor available 0 12/26/2015
Hi, Just wondering if anyone or know anyone that had a bad experiance with Predisone? It's the steroid used after transplant. My dad had his liver... 0 12/9/2014
Is it possible to make a liver transplantation for 65+ year old women with cancer (cause is assumed to be C virus). If possible what can be the cost a... 0 11/22/2014
If you looking for healthy living liver donor or you know somebody who need it, please e-mail me - 1 5/30/2014
Please write back, my cousin has a problem with his liver, i really dont know much, but does hehave a good chance to be healed and can he try a liver ... 1 1/5/2014