Jamaica Constabulary Force
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  Subject Replies Date
How long does it take for a person to be recruited 0 9/22/2014
Who was the first commissioner 0 9/22/2014
Who was the first police commissioner of jamaica? 0 9/19/2014
I need help in finding some information on a deceased police officer Ezekiel Rose, effectionately called Rose by some or Kelly by others, He was born ... 0 9/16/2014
Why are rape victims bacilly forgotten after a rape is reported?.. Why do they fall through the cracks ? why are they left uncounselled and unequiped ... 0 8/19/2014
Is there a height limit for prospective police officers? 0 8/2/2014
I am looking for a retired Inspector of Police named John Furze. If you can help me locate him, please contact me. 1 4/30/2014
Who was the first native commissioner of the Jamaica Constabulary Force 0 3/4/2014