Independent Order of Odd Fellows
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I need to know if The Independent Orde of Odd Fellows located in Winchester, Va is allowed to rent out a house and act as a landlord and collect rent.... 0 8/9/2015
Hello- I live in Oakridge, Oregon which is 41 miles of Eugene, Oregon. My partner in life, Toby Grant purchased the Oak Lodge, No. 251 in Oakridge. ... 0 8/31/2014
My husbands Grandfather was an officer of the Campbell, CA Odd Fellows in 1915. His title was abbreviated as L.L.V.G. or possibly L.S.V.G. What do t... 0 6/11/2014
How can I contact the Tasmanian branch of Independant Odd Fellows. I am doing my family history. Dose any know what L.U.B.Lodge is. 0 5/4/2014
Does anyone know about the chapter in Cincinnati, Ohio? There is a beautiful monument here in Spring Grove Cemetery. I was wondering if anyone knew... 0 3/13/2014
Odd fellows sword? 0 1/9/2014
I am a new member to IOOD.I am deeply involved in metal detecting.O n one of my previous hunts I found a what I assume was a grave marker in the woods... 1 11/2/2013
Hello one and all: I am a Rebekkah and am quite interested in knowing why there are lodges called "Comet Lodge." I know that many lodges were name... 0 9/30/2013
I have a book from the Lafayette Lodge No 42 Ante Room Register. The first signature date in the book is September 6, 1887. Do you have any idea w... 0 9/8/2013
Hello I have a book for the Friendly Union Hall of Providence RI dated June 15, 1844. They kept the minutes of their meetings in this book. Do yo... 0 9/8/2013