Hindu-Arabic numeral system
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  Subject Replies Date
What were the numeral systems before the Hindu Arabic Numeral System that lent to its development? 2 10/27/2016
What are two Hindu-Arabic numberals the number 11 may be represented ...explain you answer 1 10/5/2015
Why does it have that name? 0 9/8/2015
What are the symbols for the digits 1-9 and the fraction symbols 0 9/2/2015
Where did the Hindu Arabic Numeral system start? 2 8/20/2015
What inscriptive or written proof is there to prove the age of the Hindu Arabic Numeral System? 2 6/16/2014
What is purpose of the positional notation in any decimal system for that matter? 2 6/15/2014
Why is it that letters formed in India is called Arabic?. 0 9/9/2013
What 2 contries does hindu arabic comes from? 1 8/3/2013
What are the three variations of the Hindu Arabic Numeral system? 2 1/1/2011