Harriet Tubman
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  Subject Replies Date
How did Tubman's childhood influence her later life? 2 10/25/2016
Did harriet tubman adopted child have kids 1 1/16/2016
What was tubman's opinion of Lincoln as a Presidential Candidate? 0 10/21/2015
What were some of the methods Tubman used to help escaping slaves? 2 8/20/2015
Tubman's escape from slavery 1 7/18/2014
Whats harriet definition of nursing 0 9/22/2013
How did Tubman draw strength from her belief in God? 2 3/9/2012
Tubman and John Brown 1 2/6/2012
Tubman's family and ancestry 1 2/4/2011
Why and how did Tubman begin helping others escape from slavery? 2 1/1/2011