Great Depression in Australia
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  Subject Replies Date
Was there any averse response by the people of the nation? 2 10/26/2016
Did the people of Australia respond extremely to financial meltdown? 2 8/20/2015
What various sources of assistance were given for the poor and unemployed during the depression? 0 5/2/2015
What does jumping the rattler mean? 1 5/1/2015
What were the specific reasons that made Australia vulnerable to breakdown? 2 6/15/2014
What steps did the Government take to cut their costs? 2 5/12/2013
How did the depression influence the leisure aspect of the peoples lives who lived through this time. 0 3/5/2013
How did the great depression influence the leisure aspect of peoples lives. 0 9/17/2012
When was the worst period of the Great Depression in Australia? 2 1/2/2011