Gautama Buddha
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  Subject Replies Date
What was his Great Departure all about? 2 8/20/2015
Was Gautama Buddha the God of Buddhism or was he a prophet or something? 2 6/16/2014
What roadblocks sis Gautama Buddha face in his quest to attain peace 2 6/15/2014
Why is gautama Buddha a good leader? 2 7/12/2013
what is notable about the birth of Buddha? 0 10/28/2012
I follow a "minimalist" buddhist path, meaning that I listen to the words of Buddha (Guatama)to help me along my journey, rather than what has been at... 0 10/6/2012
When did Buddha find his supposed solution? 4 2/5/2011
What was the turning point in Buddha's life? 2 1/2/2011