Farmall tractor
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I have 2 1951 H's I know they are 1951 the #'s are 352997 and 353001 just 3 tractors in between are there any records to tell me if they were. Made th... 0 10/11/2016
Does anyone know the shift pattern that was used on both F-20 and F-30 tractors. I know it was embossed on the transmission cover under the shifter, ... 0 6/16/2015
What dowe a tracter do? 1 3/16/2015
My 140 farmall will stop pulling when it is in a hard pull. The engine continue to run at its normal rpm but it just won't pull the load as if it was... 0 3/7/2015
We have a 1947 Farmall Model A, with an exhaust assist lift system, instead of the 2 point hitch sytsem. It's not hydraulic. Ok,question: we need t... 0 12/3/2013
Why did farmall make the 1947 B with two seats 0 11/15/2013
Anyone have an answer to why my farmall model 300 carburetor frosts up? Has a slight "flutter" when running. have done the governor, cap, rotor, plugs... 0 10/28/2013
I have a 1952 H farmall with electrical problems. you can bypass the switch and jump off the starter and it will run but will not start with starter s... 0 8/12/2013
I have a farmall 450series, engine c281. im wondering what kind of oil goes into the TORQUE AMPLIFIER UNIT. ANY ANSWES WOULDBE GREATLY APPRECIATED. TH... 0 7/9/2013