Dirt track racing
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How fast does a latemodle go down a 3/8 oval 0 4/26/2016
My dad is darrell wilhite, he raced alot when i was a kid and then he went on to be the motor guy for henrey witt jr. my question is.. there are video... 0 11/13/2015
We run a 1/4 mile track upstate ny .i have a 350 engine 2 speed power glide what is a good ratio to run we have a 4.30 ratio now and it is not good fo... 0 7/17/2015
Hi out there this question has been troubling me for quite a few years I would like to know why the chev4 motor was not more widely used in dirt track... 0 5/23/2014
Racers 0 3/2/2014
Who invented the racing? 0 3/2/2014
Where can i go to find national ratings of a driver from 1997? he drove a super late model 1 9/15/2013