Delta Sigma Theta
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  Subject Replies Date
Membersip 0 1/7/2016
I was wondering do the delta sigma theta have a chapter at waylin baptist university? I go to their campus in san antonio,tx not the main campus in pl... 0 10/16/2015
Do i have to sleep with other men to join this group or if i get in 0 1/22/2015
Joining Delta Sigma Theta 0 11/23/2014
Who was the first Hispanic women to join Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,Inc? 0 11/19/2013
Who was the first Caucasian female that join Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated? 0 11/17/2013
I have always wanted to become a Delta Sigma Theta. My question was is there an age limit and if there isn't and you are a returning student is it pos... 1 9/21/2013