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Need help in index choosing 0 8/4/2018
Hi there i want to know any of input channels to a DBMS such as applicationa , end users , and etc 0 5/18/2018
For a relation R(A,B,C,D,E,F) mvd's A->->B and AB->->C and fd AB->E hold is it in 4nf explain if it is not in 4nf and normalize it into 4nf 0 4/9/2018
Queries in SQL tables are party(party_code primary key,Partyname) Poitician(p_no primary key ,p_name ,tel_no,party_code foreign key) so my questi... 0 3/14/2018
DBMS basic questions 0 3/7/2017
I need to Create and save the following queries in SQL Can any one help 1. List matriculation number, last name, and sex of all students who are st... 0 4/25/2016
Interactive courses Database management system 1 3/27/2016
What is the technology / How huge volume of data in the database especially in Cloud? 0 4/6/2015
Plz help i want to create a ERD, but a problem is appear a company want can buy n type product, and a product can sold to many company. the relation... 0 3/23/2015
MonetDB 0 3/3/2015
A SELECT query in SQL can generally return • any number of tuples • with any number of columns • of any data type the system provides. Briefly exp... 0 6/30/2014
Who are the users of database management systems? 0 9/19/2013