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  Subject Replies Date
Why do Court TV advertise that the people,cases and judgments are real, when they are not. Recently I watched an episode of Swife Justice with Nancy ... 0 9/21/2015
Will fla be repaid from the casey anthoney trail if there is ever a movie or books publish 0 7/4/2015
Accidental death 0 6/21/2015
I am watching the court 6/17/11 and I would like to know why they allowed he pig in. The pig isn't human child, and what if Caylee was in the double ... 0 6/17/2015
What time does court tv come on? eastern time 0 6/14/2015
Casey Anthony Trail 2 3/28/2015
How can I order copies of a Court TV episode that aired in May 2008? 0 1/7/2015
What does it take to get In Session back in Canada? I have been getting the run around from everyone. 0 10/27/2014