Convex function
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Let f(x) be a real differentiable convex function with f'(x)tend to 0 as x goes to infinity.prove that the limit as n goes to infinity of (0.5f(1)+f(2... 0 7/16/2016
Proof that if f(x) is convex on interval [a,b], then f has its maximum at either a or b 0 8/18/2015
I am new to the convex functions.can anyone explain about uniform convexity??please give some examples as well. 0 5/26/2015
A real quadratic form Q=X(raise to power T)CX and its symmetric matrix C=[Cij]are said to be positive definite ifQ>0 for all(X1......Xn)=!(0......0).a... 3 10/23/2013