Clash of the Titans
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Well, is greek mythology reall? 11 4/27/2014
Greek Mythology 4 4/27/2014
What is the name of the winged horse who helps Perseus? 4 4/26/2014
Where does Perseus and his companions go to find Medussa? Who takes them there? 2 4/26/2014
Who is the father of the Kraken? Give a detailed description of this titan. 3 4/26/2014
Where is the city of Joppa located? 2 4/26/2014
What is the answer to the riddle? 0 4/26/2014
What is the riddle imposed by Calibos on Andromeda's suitors? 0 4/26/2014
What is the name of Athena's owl and why would she not give it up for Perseus at the request of Zeus? 1 4/26/2014
In which island did Perseus spend his childhood? 1 4/26/2014
Who transformed Medussa into a gorgon and why? 1 4/26/2014
Who is Perseus' grandfather and why did he want to banish his daughter Danae and her son? 0 4/26/2014
Who was perseus' mother 0 4/26/2014
In what Century was the setting for clash of the titans? I believe it was in the 800 B.C. can anyone tell me what year/ century that perseus & androm... 1 4/6/2014
What was the name of the metal owl in the movie 3 9/7/2013
Who is medusa? 4 8/17/2013