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We communicate more than what we say !! 1 10/28/2017
Imagine the situation: - man and woman meet and talk (business), - woman is secretly attracted to man (she likes to talk to him, gives him a call, b... 0 4/28/2017
Im soon graduating soon but im too shy to speak my mind to a girl. Most of the times i use body language like keeping my eyes to that person,biting m... 2 8/21/2016
Please may I ask for help with respect to a mans non verbal behaviour. 3 8/18/2016
In terms of body language, where would be the most powerful position to sit in a classroom? The front row in a corner, the front row in the middle, th... 1 8/3/2016
One of my male best friends has started a new relationship and I have met her only a few times. She is a confident, bubbly person. At the pub, with ... 3 7/21/2016
Could anyone tell me what raising feet from flat to toes, so that it looks like you are tip toeing while seated would mean? It's in relation to a w... 1 1/30/2016
A woman turns around on two separate occasions when a male is behind here? 0 1/22/2016
Bosses body language, agressive, inpatient or what? 4 12/9/2015
Crushes' body language, please help. 1 12/9/2015
Guys body language- I dont have a clue what it means? 1 3/6/2015
Is true that body language does not have a relative importance compared with spoken language? 3 5/12/2014
Situation: A female sitting next to you with her arms crossed and leaning to the opposite side of you against an arm rest. What does her body langua... 2 3/2/2014
Hi, Is there anybody that can explain how Albert Mehrabian got his statitics? Thanks 0 2/14/2014
Mean of touching with arm/elbow 1 11/22/2013
Is he flirting or just trying to say he sees me as a friend? He pats me on the back and pushes me when saying goodbye. The pushing is more like a shov... 2 10/8/2013
My boyfriend shows me he's interested in me by facing his body toward me and looking at me from time to time, but when we go up to another person in a... 0 5/9/2013
Body language site!!! 5 5/4/2013