Bermuda Triangle
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  Subject Replies Date
What are some of the natural explanations for mysterious events in the Triangle? 3 10/27/2016
What makes the Bermuda Triangle such an object of myth and fascination? 2 10/27/2016
Famous incidents in the Bermuda Triangle 1 9/24/2016
What is the main cause of the disappearance of aeroplane 0 2/4/2016
Who is performing or has performed research into the Triangle and what are their findings? 3 8/21/2015
Could the Bermuda triangle and the Dragon Triangle be the old magnetic poles? 0 11/12/2014
What is the scientific explanation about bermuda triangle 1 9/26/2014
What are some of the supernatural explanations for the mysterious events in the Triangle? 2 6/15/2014
Why this triangle formed? 1 6/5/2013
Do you think extra terrestrials could live in the ocean area in the bermuda triangle??? 0 12/14/2012
Do you agree? 1 12/14/2012
Origins of the Triangle story 2 2/6/2012