Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
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  Subject Replies Date
What are some themes of Huck Finn? 2 10/26/2016
Jim character analysis 1 9/25/2016
How was Huck Finn received by critics and the public? 2 8/22/2015
Who is Thomas Benjamin Jefferson Elexander Phelps??? Is it Tom Sawer's full name? Real name? 1 5/6/2015
What was Mark Twains perspective on human nature? 0 2/25/2015
Mrs. Phelps delayed her betray on inborn racism by 0 2/17/2014
Was just wonder i have a older book of hackleberry finn hard cover 1917 it is pretty old and in good shape how much would it be worth 0 1/12/2014
How has Huck grown as a person as a groundsman ?tell me about things Huck has learned allowing him to grown? 0 12/14/2013
Tom gets shot. when he awakes he fells the truth .how does this explain .why he agreed to steal Jim? 0 12/14/2013
Should The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn be taught in publis schools? 0 12/14/2013
Where does most of the story take place? 1 9/4/2013
What is the physical object present through out the novel and what was its significance? 0 8/26/2013
The narrator contributes to the humor of the selection because 0 6/22/2013
The narrator of the story asks about? 0 6/22/2013
Characteristics of the story that link it with the tall-tale tradition are? 0 6/22/2013
True or false? Sent by his friend, the narrator finds Simon Wheeler in the general store 0 6/22/2013
True or false? Sent by his friend, the narrator finds Simon Wheeler in the general store 0 6/22/2013
Does anybody know the name of the town where the Wilkes family lived in Arkansas? 0 6/1/2013
What are some motifs of Huck Finn? 2 4/9/2012
Huck Finn character analysis 1 3/8/2012
Tom Sawyer character analysis 1 3/7/2012
Symbolism in Huck Finn 1 2/4/2011