

(1)   The 26th letter of the Roman alphabet
"The British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"
"He doesn't know A from izzard"


  1. The name of the letter Z; the twenty-sixth and last letter of the English alphabet.
  2. Something Z-shaped. Found in compounds such as zed-bar.


  1. To sleep or nap. (Compare zzz, catch some z's.)
    • 1991, Jim Cartwright, Bed
      Zedding hogs. Sleep sippers and spitters. Look at 'em cooking in their own snoring heat. One nose after another.
    • 1992, David Robins, Tarnished vision: crime and conflict in the inner city
      I guess I must have zedded, for I find a police officer, the same one that nicked me, shaking me.
    • 2007, Polly Williams, The Yummy Mummy
      "Zedding away." "God, I was having the most awful dream. That you'd got lost by the sea and I couldn't find you and something was chasing me, me and Evie."
  2. To zigzag; to move with sharp alternating turns.
    • 1931, Reginald Rankin, The Collected Works of Lt. Colonel Sir Reginald Rankin
      We were zedding hell-bells up the hill towards Cervione, with a bank of road metal and a precipice on our left...
    • 1994, Tibor Fischer, The thought gang
      Licking his lips, his hand zedded on my thigh and he commented, penetratingly, that it wasn't pussy, but that driving the unmade road wasn't at all bad.