From . Cognate with Irish and Scottish Gaelic .
yn (after vowels, 'n)
- grammatical particle used in conjunction with bod to mark adjectival, nominal, or verbal complements.
Usage notes
- This particle causes the soft mutation in all letters but Rh and Ll in nouns and adjectives following it, but not in verbs.
yn (after vowels, 'm or 'n)
- in (definite nouns)
- Mae hi'n byw yng Nghaerdydd. - She lives in Cardiff
- Ydyn ni'n astudio yn y Brifysgol ym Mangor - We're studying in the University in Bangor
Usage notes
- This preposition causes the nasal mutation. Before g and c it becomes yng, before p, b and sometimes m it becomes ym. In some areas the spoken language applies a soft mutation rather than a nasal one to the following word, but in written language the nasal is constant.
- Yn is used with definite nouns. Its equivalent for indefinite nouns is .