Proper noun
- A wiki website that is part of the Wikimedia project and contains a collection of quotations.
- 2004, David Dyer-Bennet, in rec.arts.sf.fandom http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.sf.fandom/msg/4851d6bf26acf7e0
- Google isn't finding it, and it's not in Wikiquote.
- 2006, Jerry Story, in humanities.philosophy.objectivism http://groups.google.com/group/humanities.philosophy.objectivism/msg/f96b89a2abdd2ad3
- Bill Gates was also misquoted as saying that Windows has no bugs. What he actually said according to WikiQuote is...
- 2007, TomP, in alt.atheism http://groups.google.com/group/alt.atheism/msg/5f206fdb803f51e4
- Cite your sources. Real sources. Jefferson never posted anything on wikiquote.
- 2004, David Dyer-Bennet, in rec.arts.sf.fandom http://groups.google.com/group/rec.arts.sf.fandom/msg/4851d6bf26acf7e0