- what: e.g. (1) asking for a subject complement; (2) asking for a sentence object
- (1) Wat is dat? — What is that?
- (2) Wat wil je doen? — What do you want to do?
- what: e.g. (1) as the object of a sentence; (2) ditto
- (1) Ik weet niet wat ik wil doen. — I don't know what I want to do.
- (2) Jij moet afblijven wat je daar ziet. — You must not touch what you see there.
- that: e.g. (1) modifying an indefinite pronoun like iets, niets, alles or het enige; (2) modifying an adjective that is used as a noun, usually a superlative
- (1) Geef mij maar alles wat eetbaar is. — Please give me everything that is edible.
- (2) Het duurste wat er was. — The most expensive that there was.
- which: e.g. (1) modifying the demonstrative pronouns dat and datgene; (2) referring back to an entire sentence
- (1) Hij nam precies datgene wat ik had gewild — He took exactly that which I had wanted.
- (2) Jantje deed het in z’n broek, wat zijn moeder in verlegenheid bracht. — John did it in his pants, which embarrassed his mother
- something: e.g. (1) as subject; (2) as subject complement
- (1) Daar loopt wat rond. — Something there is walking around.
- (2) Dat is aardig wat! — That is quite something! [i.e. "That is quite a lot!"]
- some
- Ik wil graag wat kersen. — I want some cherries please.
- a bit, somewhat
- Hij doet dat wat onbedachtzaam. — He does that somewhat unthoughtfully.
, whence also Old English , Old Norse (Icelandic ).