
WTF or wtf
  1. (vulgar military and Internet slang) what the fuck, where the fuck, why the fuck, when the fuck or who the fuck.
    • 1985 Dick Dunn China Cat lyrics - explanations?
      I know what all the words are. I still say, "WTF, over?"
    • 1994 Marat Fayzullin MMM
      Now, please, explain WTF did you mean by this text?
    • 2005 defect violation WTF!!
      WTF are you on about? We played some very good football for most of the match...
  2. World Taekwondo Federation
    • 1998 The complete Idiot's guide to Taekwondo
      Likewise the WTF says they are the official Tae Kwon Do organization because...
    • 2003 Taekwondo: A Step-By-Step Guide to the Korean Art of Self-Defense
      The International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognizes WTF at its 83rd ...
    • 2005 Official Taekwondo Training Manual
      The Secretariat of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is located in Seoul, South Korea, in a beautiful edifice ...

Usage notes

WTF may be used to introduce a question, as in "WTF are you talking about?" or as an interjection "WTF! That's a load of bull!" Sometimes substituted with "whiskey tango foxtrot". Also may be used in context as "WTF ever" instead of saying whatever.

FTW: Intentional spelling error of the word WTF to emphasize confusion and bewilderedness. (see FTW)

Not usually considered as offensive as the full form of the phrase.