Vasta, Estonia
- A kind of whisk made of birch twigs and used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by gently beating oneself with it.
- Expressing delay or that something takes place later; not until, only, but
- Hänen piti tulla tänään, mutta hän tuleekin vasta ylihuomenna.
- He was expected today, but he does not come until the day after tomorrow.
- Ota ensin asioista selvää, ja puhu vasta sitten!
- First find out the facts and speak only thereafter!
- Hänen piti tulla tänään, mutta hän tuleekin vasta ylihuomenna.
- Expressing that something happened only recently; newly, freshly, just
- vasta leivottu = freshly baked
- vasta äsken = just a while ago
- Expressing disappointment or frustration in a task; only.
- Hän oli tässä kilpailussa vasta kolmantena.
- He was only third in this race.
- Olen edennyt vasta vähän kaikista ponnisteluistani huolimatta.
- Despite all my effort I have made only a little progress until now.
- Olemme kävelleet vasta kymmenen kilometriä ja olen jo aivan uupunut.
- We have walked only ten kilometers and I am already completely exhausted.
- Hän oli tässä kilpailussa vasta kolmantena.
As an adverb, is not inflected in same sense as nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns. Certain cases are used as adverbs, and they are listed in the table below.