

(1)   News that updates your information


(2)   Modernize or bring up to date
"We updated the kitchen in the old house"
(3)   Bring to the latest state of technology
(4)   Bring up to date; supply with recent information


  1. An advisement providing more up-to-date information than currently known.
    He gave me an update on the situation in New York
  2. A change in information, a modification of existing or known data.
    I just made an update to the Wikipedia article on gorillas
  3. An additional piece of information. An addition to existing information.
    I just made an update to my blog about my trip to Rome
  4. A modification of something to a more recent, up-to-date version; (in software) a minor upgrade.
    Our database receives an update every morning at 3 AM
    I have a couple of updates to install on your laptop


  1. To bring (a thing) up to date.
    I need to update my records to take account of the most recent transaction.
  2. To bring (a person) up to date: to inform (a person) about recent developments.
    Update me on what happened while I was away.