From from . He was one of the Elders of Troy, whose house was set on fire by the Achaeans when they sacked the city. He is one of Priam's friends in the Iliad (3.148) and the destruction of his house is referred to in the Aeneid (2.312).
Proper noun
- Ucalegon
- Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneis, 2.312,
- Iam Deiphobi dedit ampla ruinam volcano superante domus, iam proximus ardet Ucalegon; Sigea igni freta lata relucent.
- The palace of Deiphobus ascends in smoky flames, and catches on his friends. Ucalegon burns next: the seas are bright.
- Iam Deiphobi dedit ampla ruinam volcano superante domus, iam proximus ardet Ucalegon; Sigea igni freta lata relucent.
- Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneis, 2.312,