

  1. entirely; wholly; utterly; completely; totally
    La artiklo en la ĵurnalo ne tute pravas.
    The article isn't entirely true.
    Ni tute certis ke ni vidis fantomon.
    We are wholly certain that we saw a ghost.
    La katido estas tute senhelpa.
    The kitten is utterly helpless.
    Pardonu min, sed mi tute forgesis vian nomon.
    Forgive me, but I've completely forgotten your name.
    Ma enspenzo tute dependas je tourismo.
    My income is totally dependent on tourism.



  1. you self, you yourself
    Tute dicebas!
    You yourself were speaking!
    Tute tibi imperes.
    You youself should order you.
    Ut tete mihi praecepisti.
    As you yourself has tough me.
    • Tusculanarum Disputationum Marcus Tullius Cicero
      Tibi si recta probanti placebis, tum non modo tete viceris.
    • Ennius
      O Tite tute Tati, tibi tanta, tyranne tulisti!
      O thou tyrant, Titus Tatius, such great troubles you brought upon yourself! (By Ennius)
    Hoc etiam quod scribo, pendet plerumque ex aliorum sententia et auctoritate; nec ipse forsan insanio, sed insanientes sequor. Atqui detur hoc insanire me; Semel insanivimus omnes, et tute ipse opinor insanis aliquando, et is, et ille, et ego, scilicet.
    This that I write depends sometimes upon the opinion and authority of others: nor perhaps am I frantic, I only follow madmen: But thus far I may be deranged: we have all been so at some one time, and yourself, I think, art sometimes insane, and this man, and that man, and I also.