Treat (band)


(1)   An occurrence that causes special pleasure or delight
(2)   Something considered choice to eat


(3)   Provide treatment for
"The doctor treated my broken leg"
"The nurses cared for the bomb victims"
"The patient must be treated right away or she will die"
"Treat the infection with antibiotics"
(4)   Subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition
"Process cheese"
"Process hair"
"Treat the water so it can be drunk"
"Treat the lawn with chemicals"
"Treat an oil spill"
(5)   Regard or consider in a specific way
"I treated his advances as a joke"
(6)   Engage in negotiations in order to reach an agreement
"They had to treat with the King"
(7)   Deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression
"This book deals with incest"
"The course covered all of Western Civilization"
"The new book treats the history of China"
(8)   Provide with choice or abundant food or drink
"Don't worry about the expensive wine--I'm treating"
"She treated her houseguests with good food every night"
(9)   Provide with a gift or entertainment
"Grandmother always treated us to the circus"
"I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed"
(10)   Interact in a certain way
"Do right by her"
"Treat him with caution, please"
"Handle the press reporters gently"


From , from , from , from the past participle stem of .


  1. To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain (for or with).
    We treated with Caesar for the surrender of the city.
  2. To discourse on; to represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking.
    The article treated feminism as a quintessentially modern movement.
  3. To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to conduct a discussion.
    Cicero's writing treats mainly of old age and personal duty.
  4. To entreat or beseech (someone).
    Only let my family live, I treat thee.
  5. To handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way.
    You treated me like a fool.
    She was tempted to treat the whole affair as a joke.
  6. To care for medicinally or surgically; to apply medical care to.
    They treated me for malaria.
  7. To subject to a specific action; to act upon with a specific result in mind.
    The substance was treated with sulphuric acid.
    I treated the photo somewhat to make the colours more pronounced.
  8. To entertain with food or drink, especially at one's own expense; to show hospitality to.
    I treated my son to some popcorn in the interval.

Related terms


  1. A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation.
  2. An entreaty.
  3. An entertainment, outing, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others.
    I took the kids to the zoo for a treat.
  4. An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure.
    It was such a treat to see her back in action on the London stage.