Tit for tat


(1)   An equivalent given in return


  1. equivalent retribution, an eye for an eye, returning exactly what you get.
    If you hit me, I'll hit you back; tit for tat.
  2. hat.


  1. Having the characteristic of returning bad for bad.
    Unfortunately, many adults retain a tit-for-tat attitude, but in a more refined way than the simple, childish shove for shove.
    • From The Guardian June, 22 2007.
      Amid fears that the end to more than five and a half years of talks would lead to a new era of tit-for-tat protectionism, negotiations between the United States and the European Union broke down.

Usage notes

As an adjective, tit-for-tat uses hyphens.

It is also a term used in Game Theory, Links to wipipedia needed and a very short explanation of the meaning in that field