

(1)   (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
(2)   Any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial
"The general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree"
(3)   A word or expression used for some particular thing
"He learned many medical terms"
(4)   One of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition
"The major term of a syllogism must occur twice"
(5)   (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement
"The contract set out the conditions of the lease"
"The terms of the treaty were generous"
(6)   A limited period of time
"A prison term"
"He left school before the end of term"
(7)   The end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent
"A healthy baby born at full term"


(8)   Name formally or designate with a term


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  1. A limitation, restriction or regulation.
    terms and conditions
  2. A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge.
  3. Relations among people.
    We are on friendly terms with each other.
  4. A part of a year, especially one of the three parts of an academic year in Britain; Michaelmas term, Lent term or Easter term, the equivalent to the American semester.
  5. any value (variable or constant) or expression separated from another term by a + or - sign in an overall expression
    All of these terms cancel out.
  6. a duration of a set length; a period in office of fixed length.
    He was sentenced to a term of six years in prison.
    near-term, mid-term and long-term goals
  7. a terminal emulator, a program that emulates a video terminal
  8. the maximum period during which the patent can be maintained into force
  9. an essential dignity in which unequal segments of every astrological sign have internal rulerships which affect the power and integrity of each planet in a natal chart


  1. To phrase a certain way, especially with an unusual wording.


  1. term; A word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge.
  2. term; One of the addends in a sum