Talking point


(1)   An especially persuasive point helping to support an argument or discussion


  1. A specific topic raised in a conversation or argument which is intended as a basis for further discussion, especially one which represents a point of view.
    • 1908, J. W. Jenks, "The Principles of Government Control of Business," American Economic Association Quarterly, 3rd series, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 3,
      Such an expression ["natural rights"] is, of course, an excellent talking point as a basis for argument to convince people, and perhaps through them to change the opinion of the government.
    • 2002, Elizabeth Foyster, "Creating a Veil of Silence? Politeness and Marital Violence in the English Household," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th series, vol. 12, p. 399,
      First, it will be demonstrated that marital violence continued to be a talking point within polite society.