Squid (comics)
(1) Widely distributed fast-moving ten-armed cephalopod mollusk having a long tapered body with triangular tail fins
(2) (Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food
- Any of several carnivorous marine cephalopod mollusks, of the order Teuthida, having a mantle, eight arms, and a pair of tentacles
- A sailor in the Navy.
- A quid; one pound sterling.
- Can you lend me five squid? I feel like a bacon sarnie.
- A motorcyclist characterized by lack of riding gear, reckless/careless/unsafe riding, especially of sport bikers. Possibly an acronym of Stupid, Quick, Under-dressed, Imminently Dead.
- "In my mind, a street squid is anyone who races on the street. Period."1
- "squid: a cocky motorcyclist who darts very aggressively through traffic"2