The equivalent, and also an English pet form, of Sophia, from .
- 1832 Barry Cornwall, English Songs, 1851, LXXXV ("To Sophie"):
- Wilt thou be a nun, Sophie? / Nothing but a nun? / Is it not a better thing / With thy friends to laugh and sing?
- 1991 Julian Barnes, Talking It Over, ISBN 0-224-03157-0 page 241, 252:
- No, like a small child, my daughter, Sophie Anne Louise. We gave her three names, all of which exist in English as well as in French, so she can change her name just by changing her accent. - - -
- Sophie Anne Louise. It is a bit pretentious, do you not find? Maybe it is better in English. Sophie Anne Louise. No, it still sounds like one of Queen Victoria's grandchildren.
Proper noun
- , variant of Sofie.
Proper noun
- , cognate to English Sophia.
Proper noun
- , variant of Sophia
Proper noun
- , a less common spelling of Sofie.