- To render a web site slow or unusable via the unusually large number of page requests that result from a link on a very popular web site.
- To overwhelm, swamp.
- 2002, Shelley Powers et al., Unix Power Tools http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0596003307&id=t295L6vYuUkC&pg=PA501&lpg=PA501&dq=slashdotted&sig=rF5IZDXp33wnnsgkRIC5niMtqHM
- If these numbers are significantly higher than normal usage, something is amiss (perhaps your web server has been slashdotted).
- [2003], 2006 Matthew Strebe, The Best of SlashNOT, 2002–2005 http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0595383157&id=skVK4smqz8UC&pg=PA99&lpg=PA99&dq=slashdotted&sig=z6LagXUGvJ09gG77HdLoLSEnFAk
- And that guy is supposed to be thrilled to lose both his inbound and outbound connections and e-mail for the joy of having been slashdotted.
- 2005, Ivan Ristic, Apache Security http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN0596007248&id=5yiULnTkN6oC&pg=PA115&lpg=PA115&dq=slashdotted&sig=_zJmLeVMfDyEAAt8FhAl6NZcrVA
- Sites that have been slashdotted report traffic between several hundred and several thousand hits per minute.
- 2005, Charles Stross, Accelerando http://www.accelerando.org/_static/accelerando.html
- Oh shit, thinks Manfred, better buy some more server time. He can recognize the signs: He's about to be slashdotted.