

(1)   Something of little value
"His promise is not worth a damn"
"Not worth one red cent"
"Not worth shucks"
(2)   Obscene words for unacceptable behavior
"I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk"
"What he said was mostly bull"
(3)   Insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
(4)   A coarse term for defecation
"He took a shit"
(5)   A small worthless amount
"You don't know jack"
(6)   Obscene terms for feces


(7)   Have a bowel movement
"The dog had made in the flower beds"
(8)   Give away information about somebody
"He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"

Etymology 1

From , < < . Related to Middle Low German , Middle Dutch , Dutch , German , Swedish , Norwegian , Icelandic . Compare .


  1. Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels.
  2. (the shits) diarrhea.
  3. Rubbish; worthless matter.
    Move all of that shit out of your room!
  4. Stuff, things.
  5. (the shit) The best of its kind.
  6. Nonsense; bullshit.
    Everything he says is a load of shit.
  7. A nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men.
    Her son has been a real shit to her.
  8. (in negations) Anything.
    His opinion is not worth shit. = His opinion is not worth anything.
    We don’t have shit to live on = We don’t have anything to live on.
  9. marijuana
  10. cocaine

crap, dirt, dung, excrement, fecal matter, feces, ordure, poop, shite, scat, stool, turd
  • See also Wikisaurus:feces, Wikisaurus:nonsense, Wikisaurus:nothing.


  1. Of poor quality; worthless.
    What a shit film that was!
  2. Nasty; despicable.
    That was a shit thing to do to him.

Etymology 2

< < . Cognate with Dutch , German , Swedish .


  1. To defecate.
  2. To excrete (something) through the anus.
  3. To fool or try to fool someone; to be deceitful.
    Twelve hundred dollars!? Are you shitting me!?
  4. To annoy.
    That ad shits me to tears.


  1. Expression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
    Shit! I think that I forgot to pack my sleeping bag last night!
    Holy shit!
    Oh, shit!
  2. To show displeasure or surprise.
    "Oh, shit. I left my worksheet at home," she said to the language arts teacher, which got her in trouble.