

(1)   Filled with shade
"The shady side of the street"
"The surface of the pond is dark and shadowed"
"We sat on rocks in a shadowy cove"
"Cool umbrageous woodlands"
(2)   Not as expected
"There was something fishy about the accident"
"Up to some funny business"
"Some definitely queer goings-on"
"A shady deal"
"Her motives were suspect"
"Suspicious behavior"
(3)   Of questionable taste or morality
"A louche nightclub"
"A louche painting"
(4)   Of businesses and businessmen of questionable honesty
"A fly-by-night operation"


  1. Abounding in shades.
  2. Causing shade.
  3. Overspread with shade; sheltered from the glare of light or sultry heat.
  4. Not trustworthy; Unfit to be seen or known.
    He is a shady character.
    • 2009: Stuart Heritage, Hecklerspray, Friday the 22nd of May in 2009 at 1 o’clock p.m., “Jon & Kate Latest: People You Don’t Know Do Crap You Don’t Care About
      Jon & Kate Plus 8 is a show based on two facts: 1) Jon and Kate Gosselin have eight children, and 2) the word ‘Kate’ rhymes with the word ‘eight’. One suspects that if Kate were ever to have another child, a shady network executive would urge her to put it in a binbag with a brick and drop it down a well. But this is just a horrifying tangent.


corrupt, dodgy, dubious, equivocal, seedy, sketchy, suspicious