(1) A car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors
(2) A closed litter for one passenger
- an enclosed windowed chair suitable for a single occupant, carried by at least two porters, in equal numbers in front and behind, using wooden rails that passed through metal brackets on the sides of the chair
- The most common body style for modern cars, with a boot or trunk.
Etymology 1
From Old Swedish siþan , related to sid ’late’.
See Norwegian .
- then, after this (that), afterwards; next in order
- Först försökte vi på mitt sätt, sedan på hans.
- First we tried my way, then his.
- Först försökte vi på mitt sätt, sedan på hans.
- since, from the time that (and often as a consequence of)
- Sedan vi sålde bilen cyklar vi överallt.
- Since we sold the car, we bike everywhere.
- Sedan vi sålde bilen cyklar vi överallt.