Saturnine (comics)


(1)   Showing a brooding ill humor
"A dark scowl"
"The proverbially dour New England Puritan"
"A glum, hopeless shrug"
"He sat in moody silence"
"A morose and unsociable manner"
"A saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven
"A sour temper"
"A sullen crowd"
(2)   Bitter or scornful
"The face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain"- Oscar Wilde


  1. of or born under Saturn's influence
  2. containing lead, or suffering from lead poisoning (saturnia)
  3. cold and slow to change and reaction (refers to mood)
  4. gloomy, depressed, dull


  • 1770, Nicholas Culpeper, The English physician enlarged., page 167
    "But Henbane delights most to grow in Saturnine Places, and whole Cart-Loads of it may be found near the Places where they empty the common Jacks, and scarce a Ditch can be found without it growing by it. Ergo, it is an Herb of Saturn."
  • 1793, John Whitehead, The life of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A, page 550
    "But Dr. Johnson would certainly not have expressed himself in this strong language of approbation, had Mr. Wesley been that dark, saturnine creature, represented by Archbishop Herring."