(1) Chiefly tropical New and Old World deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs bearing leathery drupes with yellow translucent flesh; most plants produce toxic saponins
Proper noun
- a botanical name at the rank of family. Circumscription and placement of the family depend on taxonomic system. In the APG II system (2003) the family includes the plants otherwise assigned to families Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae and is placed in order Sapindales
See also
- Acer - Maples
- Aphania - Senegal cherry
- Aesculus - Buckeye & Horse-chestnut
- Blighia - Akee
- Cardiospermum - Heartseed
- Dimocarpus - Longans
- Koelreuteria - Golden rain trees
- Litchi - Lychee
- Melicoccus - Mamoncillo
- Nephelium - Rambutan
- Paullinia - Guarana and Yoco
- Sapindus - Soapberry
- Ungnadia - Mexican Buckeye