Ross (steam automobile company)
(1) American seamstress said to have made the first American flag at the request of George Washington (1752-1836)
(2) A politician in Wyoming who was the first woman governor in the United States (1876-1977)
(3) British physician who discovered that mosquitos transmit malaria (1857-1932)
(4) British explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic; located the north magnetic pole in 1831; discovered the Ross Sea in Antarctica; nephew of Sir John Ross (1800-1862)
(5) Scottish explorer who led Arctic expeditions that yielded geographic discoveries while searching for the Northwest Passage (1777-1856)
Proper noun
- derived from any of several places of that name, from Gaelic ros "headland".
- , transferred use of the surname since early nineteenth century.
Ross (plural Rösser or Rosse)
- steed (horse).
- 1876
- ... Dort seh’ ich Grane, mein selig Roß: \ wie weidet er munter der mit mir schlief! \ Mit mir hat ihn Siegfried erweckt. — Richard Wagner, Siegfried, Dritter Aufzug, Dritte Szene.
- I see Grane there, my trusty steed: \ how happily he grazes, he who was asleep like me! \ Siegfried woke him along with me. — Richard Wagner, Seigfried, Act 3, Scene 3.
- ... Dort seh’ ich Grane, mein selig Roß: \ wie weidet er munter der mit mir schlief! \ Mit mir hat ihn Siegfried erweckt. — Richard Wagner, Siegfried, Dritter Aufzug, Dritte Szene.
- 1914
- Wir werden uns wehren bis zum letzten Hauch von Mann und Roß - His Majesty the Emperor of Germany Wilhelm II, An das Deutsche Volk
- 1876