(1) Of something having a dusty purplish pink color
"The roseate glow of dawn"
(2) A dusty pink color
(3) Pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began
(4) Any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses
Etymology 1
From , from , from Oscan, from Ancient Greek rhodion (ῥοδέα) (Aeolic wrodion), 'rose', from Old Iranian *wurdi, 'flower' (cf. Avestan warda, Sogdian ward, Parthian wâr).
- a shrub of the genus Rosa, with red, pink, white or yellow flowers
- a flower of the rose plant
- Something resembling a rose flower.
- (colour) a purplish-red or pink colour, the colour of some rose flowers
- a round nozzle for a sprinkling can or hose.
- the base of a light socket.
See also
- Aaron's beard
- amelanchier
- attar/otto
- blackberry
- bramble
- camellia
- chamiso
- chokeberry
- cloudberry
- compass card
- floribunda
- hardhack
- hawthorn
- Japanese quince
- jetbead
- Juneberry
- lady's mantle
- maccaboy
- Madagascar periwinkle
- mahaleb
- mawar
- meadowsweet
- medlar
- midsummer-men
- mountain ash
- moutain avens
- namby-pamby
- ninebark
- parsley piert
- rambler
- serviceberry
- shadblow
- shadbush
- silverweed
- soapbark
- spirea
- strawberry
- sweet briar
- tormentil
- viburnum
- wild brier
- Appendix:Colours