Robot (Goodies episode)


(1)   A mechanism that can move automatically


From both and . First appeared in the 1921 science-fiction play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek after having been suggested to him by his brother Josef, and taken into the English translation without change.


  1. A mechanical or virtual, artificial agent.
  2. An electro-mechanical system, which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own.
  3. A machine which is anthropomorphic or zoomorphic in shape or scope of function.
  4. A person who does not seem to have any emotions.
    Being a robot, Jessica chose to wear a casual pair of shorts to the funeral and didn't even cry.
  5. Traffic lights.
  6. A theodolite which follows the movements of a prism and can be used by a one-man crew.
  7. A style of dance popular in disco whereby the dancer impersonates the movement of a robot