(1) A failure to maintain a higher state
(2) Returning to a former state
(3) Turning in the opposite direction
(4) A reappearance of an earlier characteristic
(5) A return to a normal phenotype (usually resulting from a second mutation)
(6) (law) an interest in an estate that reverts to the grantor (or his heirs) at the end of some period (e.g., the death of the grantee)
From from , from .
- The action of reverting something.
- The action of returning to a former condition or practice; reversal.
- The fact of being turned the reverse way.
- The action of turning something the reverse way.
- The return of an estate to the donor or grantor after expiry of the grant.
- An estate which has been returned in this manner.
- The right of succeeding to an estate, or to another possession.
- The right of succeeding to an office after the death or retirement of the holder.
- The return of a genetic characteristic after a period of suppression.
- A sum payable on a person's death.