(1) A bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent
"A bad reaction to the medicine"
"His responses have slowed with age"
(2) A phrase recited or sung by the congregation following a versicle by the priest or minister
(3) The manner in which something is greeted
"She did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors"
(4) A statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation
"I waited several days for his answer"
"He wrote replies to several of his critics"
(5) The speech act of continuing a conversational exchange
"He growled his reply"
(6) A result
"This situation developed in response to events in Africa"
- An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.
- The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.
- An oracular answer.
- (liturgics) A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant.
- (liturgics) A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection; a respond or responsory.
- A reply to an objection in formal disputation.
- An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL
- 1338: Robert Mannyng, Middle English Chronicle
- What was his respons written, I ne sauh no herd.
- 1842: Alfred Tennyson, The Two Voices
- Then did my response clearer fall:
"No compound of this earthly ball
Is like another, all in all."
- Then did my response clearer fall:
- 1874: James Sully, Sensation and Intuition, p. 17.
- There seems a vast psychological interval between an emotional response to the action of some grateful stimulus and the highly complex intellectual and emotional development implied in a distinct appreciation of objective beauty.
Related terms
- respond
- responsal
- responsible
- responsibility
- responsion
- responsive
- responsively
- responsiveness
- responsorial
- responsorium
- responsory
- responsure