Reservation (law)
(1) The act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion
(2) The act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
"Wondered who had made the booking"
(3) An unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
(4) Something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.)
(5) A statement that limits or restricts some claim
"He recommended her without any reservations"
(6) The written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance
(7) A district that is reserved for particular purpose
- The act of reserving, withholding or keeping back
- Something that is withheld or kept back
- A limiting qualification (often used in the plural)
- I have reservations about your intentions
- A tract of land set apart by the US government for the use of a Native American people. (compare Canadian ).
- An arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance
- (UK) the area which separates opposing lanes of traffic on a divided motorway.