

(1)   The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
(2)   Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
(3)   Spicy or savory condiment


(4)   Derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
"She relished her fame and basked in her glory"


  1. A pleasing taste; flavor that gratifies the palate; hence, enjoyable quality; power of pleasing.
    • 1748. David Hume. Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral. London: Oxford University Press, 1973. § 12.
      A Laplander or Negro has no notion of the relish of wine.
  2. Savor; quality; characteristic tinge.
  3. A taste for; liking; appetite; fondness.
  4. That which is used to impart a flavor; specifically, something taken with food to render it more palatable or to stimulate the appetite; a condiment.
  5. A cooked or pickled sauce, usually made with vegetables or fruits, generally used as a condiment.
  6. In a wooden frame, the projection or shoulder at the side of, or around, a tenon, on a tenoned piece.


  1. To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of.
    I relish a good tuna sandwich.
  2. To take great pleasure in something; to enjoy; to approach with zeal or enthusiasm; to be pleased with or gratified by; to experience pleasure from.
    He relishes their time together.
    I don't relish the idea of finishing so much tonight.
  3. To give a relish to; to cause to taste agreeably.
  4. To have a pleasing or appetizing taste; to give gratification; to have a flavor.