(1) A summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion
(2) (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) in which musical themes that were introduced earlier are repeated
(3) Emergence during embryonic development of various characters or structures that appeared during the evolutionary history of the strain or species
From recapitulacion (modern: récapitulation), from recapitulationem, from recapitulatio, -onis, from recapitulare (with English -ate), from re- "again, back" + capitulum "chapter, section", diminutive of caput, capitis "head"
- The brief recitement of the major points in a narrative, article, or book. Summary.
- The third major section of a musical movement written in sonata form, representing thematic material that originally appeared in the exposition section.
- The reenactment of the embryonic development in evolution of the species.