

(1)   Where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
"The birthplace of civilization"


From , from , present participle of , from


  1. Place or source of origin.
  2. The place and time of origin of some artifact or other object. See Usage note below.
  3. The history of ownership of a work of art
  4. the copy history of a piece of data, or the intermediate pieces of data utilized to compute a final data element, as in a database record or web site (data provenance)
  5. The execution history of computer processes which were utilized to compute a final piece of data (process provenance)
  6. (of a person) Background; history; place of origin; ancestry.

Usage notes

  • The term provenience in archaeology/archeology has largely replaced provenance because provenience is restricted to in situ location at the date of archaeological discovery rather than the "origin-to-present" chain of custody details of proper provenance as is customarily used by historians, museums, and commercial entities.